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Sales and Service Snippet

  • December 07, 2022
  • 12:00 PM - 12:45 PM
  • Zoom webinar

Last Sales and Service Snippet of 2022!

Challenge your sales and service prowess one more time with LSSO's last complimentary Sales and Service Snippet of 2022! This members-only session gives you the opportunity to interact with your LSSO peers while refreshing/augmenting your existing professional skills.

Infinite Mindset as a Requirement for Client Growth

Whether a designated client team or a matter-specific pursuit, employing an infinite mindset is needed to ensure long-term success. In this Snippet, participants will discuss the need for consistent habits in the pursuit of meaningful client relationships plus common mistakes as people too frequently look to check the box.


Adam Severson
Chief Marketing & Business Development Officer
Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz, PC


Every Snippet involves the sharing of an innovative sales process, strategy and/or approach; a case study; and workshop breakouts followed by group discussion…all in just 45 minutes!


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